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    Donation Form

    Thank you for being a part
    Please send a check payable to
    "Compassionate Hearts Network Inc",
    PO Box 51, Woodville, MA-01784,
    Thank You

    Thank you for being a part

    Financial Support for Medical Treatment for Jeffny P James (M1-2024)

    On behalf of 19-year-old Jeffny, I am reaching out to request your support and generous contribution towards our cause humbly. Miss: Jeffny was recently diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia and from 13th January she has been receiving treatment at Regional Cancer Centre (RCC) Trivandrum, Kerela, India.

    She has been prescribed medication for six months, with a monthly cost of Rs. 57, 000. Unfortunately, India does not carry these medications, so they must be imported from abroad. She can only begin radiation/chemotherapy after completing her initial round of treatment. She has been advised to stay at a residence close to the hospital until she finishes her six-month treatment due to the high risk of infections. The approximate rent for the house would be Rs.15,000. Any amount, no matter how small will make a significant difference for Jeffny’s family as they are financially struggling to fund their only child’s treatment.

    Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. Your support would be invaluable and greatly appreciated.

    FundRaising Honor Roll
    S.No. Name Donation Amount Payment Status
    1 Sajan john $ 100.00 Paid
    2 Daisy Mathew $ 100.00 Paid
    3 Manu & Meryn $ 100.00 Paid
    4 Laila Methrata $ 100.00 Paid
    5 Biju & Asha $ 250 Pledged
    6 Mathew and Shilo $ 200.00 Paid
    7 Jeesmon & Deepa $ 100 Paid
    8 Sailesh Cherian $ 200.00 Paid
    9 Suja Cherukara $ 100.00 Pledged
    10 Nidhi John $ 100.00 Paid
    11 Zeena & Sayid $ 100.00 Paid
    12 Jiji & Anita $ 250 Paid

    Latest Status Updates

    Funds Raised: $0Released to Beneficiary: Project Status Summary:

    Project Start Date :01/19/2024

    Project Sponsor: Jiji Varughese
    Status: open

    Fund Raising Goal: $

    Raised So Far: $0 (0%)


    Send a check payable to “Compassionate Hearts Network Inc” , PO Box 51, Woodville, MA-01784


    Donate Online :


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