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    "Compassionate Hearts Network Inc",
    PO Box 51, Woodville, MA-01784,
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    Sponsorship of Medical Service Van for SSV (Project ID: H1-2015)

    Society For Social Vision (SSV), a non-profit organization based in Kochi, Kerala is requesting the help of Compassionate Heart Network friends in purchasing a mobile medical van to be used for the sole purpose of carrying workers, medical supplies for the organization. Please make a donation today!


    FundRaising Honor Roll
    S.No. Name Donation Amount Payment Status
    1 Multiple Donors $ 6500 Paid

    Request Your Contacts To Support This Cause

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      Project Start Date: 12/28/2014

      Project Sponsor: Dr.Fazeena Ashraf

      Status: CLOSED

      Fund Raising Goal: $6500

      Raised So Far: $6500 (100%)

      Thank you for your support

      Donate for a Mobile Medical Van

      Society For Social Vision, a non-profit organization based in Kochi, Kerala is requesting the help of Compassionate Heart Network friends in purchasing a mobile medical van to be used for the sole purpose of carrying workers, medical supplies for the organization.

      Project Start date: 12/22/14

      Project End Date : 1/20/15

      Fund Raising Goal: $6500

      Vehicle Needed:Maruti Eeco Van

      Society for Social Vision sponsor projects varying from mass medical camps, cancer detection camps, mass blood donation camps, blood group determination camps, diabetes and hypertension camps, free medicine for destitute, women self help groups, free text books, food, and clothing for children, de-addiction programs, vocational training for youth and women and support for senior citizens.

      The Founder and President of Society for Social Vision, Ms. Swapna Petronis is a political activist, freelance writer and M.Phil holder in Political Science from Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi. Swapna is on a mission via her NGO Society for Social Vision to change Kerala and India for the better. The Medical Advisor of Social Vision Dr. Arun Oommen (Lake Shore Hospital, Kochi) is a well-renowned Neuro Surgeon/ Philanthropist and strongly believes NGO’s are the solution to the plight of impoverished in Kerala.

      At present, they are facing lot of difficulties to get across to people in time with the necessary medical supplies. In order to carry forward with their activities, they are asking friends/supporters at “Compassionate Heart Network” to donate for a mobile medical van to reach the needy within a short span of time. Please donate and make a change!