Biju, a native of Chengannur (Kerala, India) who is handicapped and suffering from kidney failure for the last 8 years. The whole family members are going through a series of medical problems and not in a position to support the basic needs required including Biju for their day-to-day life. He is going 3 times in a week for dialysis and paying Rs. 300.00 per trip (only travel expenses) with a monthly total of Rs. 3,600.00, Dialysis per month Rs.20000.00, which is way out of their reach. Therefore, with the generous donors together we are making an effort to support them to buy a used scooter as well as to take care of their medical treatment expenses for few months.
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"Compassionate Hearts Network Inc",
PO Box 51, Woodville, MA-01784,
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Please send a check payable to
"Compassionate Hearts Network Inc",
PO Box 51, Woodville, MA-01784,
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