Alfiya is a dedicated student from the peaceful village of Irumpayum in Kottayam district. She lives with her father, mother, and brother in challenging conditions, residing in a simple, tent-like structure without the comforts of a proper home. Additionally, Alfiya struggles with visual impairment, which requires urgent medical attention to restore her eyesight. Despite these hardships, she remains committed to her education.
Alfiya has been experiencing compromised vision in one of her eyes, which has resulted in significant visual impairment. Following a consultation with her doctor, it has been deemed necessary for Alfiya to undergo a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan. This diagnostic procedure will enable her healthcare provider to thoroughly examine the affected eye and surrounding tissues, helping to identify the underlying cause of Alfiya’s vision problems and inform an effective treatment plan.
FundRaising Honor Roll | |||
S.No. | Name | Donation Amount | Payment Status |
1 | Sibu Thomas | $ 100.00 | Pledged |
2 | Anita&Jiji | $ 100 | Pledged |
3 | Biju & Asha | $ 100 | Pledged |
4 | CHN Team | $ 100.00 | Pledged |
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