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    "Compassionate Hearts Network Inc",
    PO Box 51, Woodville, MA-01784,
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    House Construction Assistance for Chacko Family

    Brother Jeswin Chacko is a 19 year old seminary student in Kerala, India. He hails from a low income family of Idukki district which is one of the most undeveloped part of Kerala. Jeswin’s father passed away as a victim of cancer seven months ago. He has an unemployed mother and an younger brother (student) at home. This family do not have any land or house of their own. As of now, they live in government wasteland.

    Recently parishioners from a Church from Abudabi, UAE offered to build a house for this family provided they acquire some land for it. Jeswin and family have found 7 cents of land in their neighborhood and have signed a purchase agreement. To close this land deal, they need approx. 6200 USD.

    This request is to seek funding for this cause. Please consider donating and help this family.

    FundRaising Honor Roll
    S.No. Name Donation Amount Payment Status
    1 Sibu Thomas $ 250.00 Paid

    Request Your Contacts To Support This Cause

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      Project Start Date: 08/01/2015

      Project Sponsor: Jiji Varughese

      Status: CLOSED

      Fund Raising Goal: $

      Raised So Far: $0 (0%)


      Send a check payable to “Compassionate Hearts Network Inc” , PO Box 51, Woodville, MA-01784


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