This project is to help Pastor Chandran working in Vadakkencherry, Kerala who does not have a regular income to manage his household. He also work as a missionary serving many low income families around him. Sponsor of this project have known Pr. Chandran personally for years and have fully funded this project. If you are willing to join our project sponsor to contribute to assist Pr. Chandra, please make a donation. We wish him good luck and appreciate sharing the love of GOD among the needy.
Nomination Form
Donation Form
Thank you for being a part
Please send a check payable to
"Compassionate Hearts Network Inc",
PO Box 51, Woodville, MA-01784,
Thank You
Please send a check payable to
"Compassionate Hearts Network Inc",
PO Box 51, Woodville, MA-01784,
Thank You
Thank you for being a part