This request is for a young family who had many tragedies befall them in a very short time. An 8th grader, Adarsh, lost his father about 3 weeks ago to a tragic accident at work where he slipped and fell from a three-story building and died. The father was the main income for this poor family. They had barely started to build a small house, which is largely unfinished. Adarsh’s mother is a cancer patient who was undergoing treatments and was scheduled to have a surgery when this happened. The surgery was cancelled as the loan they had got approval for was cancelled after the death of her husband.
Adarsh himself had an accident 4 months ago fell from bike and has a head injury which needs continuous monitoring. He has a 1 yr. old sister. Some friends and family to help as this family was on the brink of suicide. We had reached out to Jisha (Adarsh’s mom) who said she lives close to a church and in her greatest hour of need, stood in front of that church and cried to have some way of moving forward- to have a house that shelter’s them and some food to feed her children.
We have to count the overwhelming blessing that God has showered upon us not because of our strength but His mercy and strength. Deuteronomy 15:7 “If anyone is poor among your fellow in any of the towns of the land the Lord your God is giving you, do not be hardhearted or tightfisted toward them”. We urge everyone to take a minute to read and reach for the compassion and God’s love within you all to help this family to have the basic needs that we are all blessed with.
FundRaising Honor Roll | |||
S.No. | Name | Donation Amount | Payment Status |
1 | Jince | $ 150 | Pledged |
2 | Sayid Shabeer | $ 200.00 | Paid |
3 | Grace Pullattu | $ 100 | Paid |
4 | Anonymous-c/o Anita | $ 200 | Paid |
5 | Dsisy | $ 100.00 | Paid |
6 | Deepa and Jeesmon | $ 100 | Paid |
7 | Tony & Sisilia Thomas | $ 100 | Paid |
8 | Sujit Thomas | $ 200.00 | Paid |
9 | Josh Varghese | $ 50.00 | Paid |
10 | Anonymous Donor | $ 250 | Paid |
11 | Anonymous -c/o Anita | $ 100 | Paid |
12 | Anonymous Donor | $ 300.00 | Paid |
13 | Abe cherukara | $ 100.00 | Paid |
14 | Jacob | $ 50.00 | Paid |
15 | Sithy and Liju | $ 100 | Paid |
16 | Ajit K | $ 25.00 | Paid |
17 | Anita | $ 200 | Paid |