This request is for 51 year old Vijayan from Chakkamattam, Mallappally , Kerala. He has recently been diagnosed with lung cancer and is under chemotherapy treatment. He’s bed ridden at this point and unable to work. Vijayan and his wife have two daughters. Older girl is a nursing student and younger one is in school. Vijayan took a bank loan against his house for the older daughters education and now unable to make any payments. His wife does not work. This family does not have any sources of income. Medicines alone costs about $400/month at this time. He has to undergo one more round of Chemo and after that radiation therapy. Any assistance you can give to this family will be a great help.
CHN will transfer your pledges 100% directly to the beneficiary’s bank account. Handwritten Request from Vijayan is attached.
FundRaising Honor Roll | |||
S.No. | Name | Donation Amount | Payment Status |
1 | George | $ 60.00 | Paid |
2 | Thomas & Minnie Zacharia | $ 80.00 | Paid |
3 | Anonymous | $ 60 | Pledged |
4 | Jiji & Anita Varghese | $ 100 | Pledged |