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    Please send a check payable to
    "Compassionate Hearts Network Inc",
    PO Box 51, Woodville, MA-01784,
    Thank You

    Thank you for being a part

    House construction project in Kottanad, Kerala, India (Project ID: H2-2014)

    Thampi’s family with his wife, son, daughter in law and his grandson is living in a temporary shed at the moment. They started construction of a small house with the financial assistance from the government. With rising material and labor costs, they were not able to complete the construction in time. Compassionate heart offered financial assistance to complete the rest of the construction.

    Request Your Contacts To Support This Cause

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      Project Start Date: 10/1/2014
      Lead Sponsor(s): None
      Status: Open
      Fund Raising Goal: $2000
      Raised So Far: $1800 (%)


      Send a check payable to “Compassionate Hearts Network Inc” , PO Box 51, Woodville, MA-01784


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