Sanju Babu (34) worked in Saudi Arabia before being sent back to Kerala due to COVID-19. In Kerala, he worked as an electrician after his Saudi job, and his wife works as a nurse in a private hospital. Unfortunately, one day as he was working, Sanju fell from the roof of a shed. This left him with three fractures in his right leg. That same day in the hospital, he underwent surgery that cost one lakh Indian rupees. This cost was paid for by family, friends, and well-wishers. However, the doctors have to perform two more surgeries for Sanju to be able to walk again. Sanju’s wife is now supporting the family, which includes caring for his elder parents and their only child on top of her job as a nurse. With donations for the cost of the surgeries, her burden will be lessened and Sanju will be able to walk again. We are seeking help to raise 1,000 USD for covering expenses for the next two surgeries.
The Compassionate Hearts Network Team is looking for your prayers and support to fulfill this critical need. Every penny of your donation will go to support this cause. Please consider making a donation that you are comfortable with.
FundRaising Honor Roll | |||
S.No. | Name | Donation Amount | Payment Status |
1 | Sebe & Preetha Kingsview | $ 50.00 | Paid |
2 | RUBY | $ 25.00 | Paid |
3 | Teena Thomas | $ 150.00 | Paid |
4 | Anonymous Donor | $ 50.00 | Paid |
5 | Josh | $ 25.00 | Paid |
6 | Anonymous Donor | $ 50.00 | Paid |
7 | Deepa & Jeesmon | $ 100 | Paid |
8 | saju Michael | $ 50.00 | Paid |
9 | Liju & Sithy | $ 100 | Paid |
10 | S and R | $ 100.00 | Paid |
11 | Batman | $ 100.00 | Paid |
12 | Amey Abraham | $ 200.00 | Paid |
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