This request is to seek donations to support a medical student, who is studying MBBS (1st year) at a private medical college in Thrissur, Kerala (India). Her family does not have the means to pay tuition fees. Despite being a brilliant student with strong academic records and documentation of financial need, she could not secure enough educational loan locally to pay for her education. Although she tried hard for two years re-taking the entrance exams to get admission to govt college that offers reduced fee, she had to give up at the end to join Amala medical college.
This student hails from a low income family from Palakkad, Kerala. Her father, who’s a farmer is the only breadwinner in the family. They seem to have a bit more than an acre of land for agriculture, which disqualifies them being a BPL (below poverty line) family . With the forest border, agriculture is all ruined by animals, they don’t get to harvest most of the times. Due to the low valuation of the land bordering forest area, banks could not give the loan they requested. So far, they have got assurance on loan for around 17 lakhs total for 5 year study. However the tuition fees alone at her medical school is around 7 lakhs ($10,000 USD approx). This project request is to raise at least 50% of the expected cost for the first year.
Please consider making a generous donation for this cause. Any and all funds raised by CHN will be solely used for this purpose.
FundRaising Honor Roll | |||
S.No. | Name | Donation Amount | Payment Status |
1 | Anonymous Donor | $ 100.00 | Paid |
2 | Anonymous Donor | $ 1.00 | Paid |
3 | Prince Vincent Kochuthresia | $ 50.00 | Paid |
4 | Sijo Joseph | $ 100.00 | Paid |
5 | Alex Joseph | $ 50.00 | Paid |
6 | Saji markose | $ 50.00 | Paid |
7 | Sajeev Krishnankutty | $ 100.00 | Paid |
8 | Shiju & Nipuna | $ 500 | Pledged |
9 | Anonymous Donor | $ 1000.00 | Paid |
10 | Anonymous Donor | $ 1000.00 | Paid |
11 | Anonymous Donor | $ 500.00 | Paid |
12 | jiby Santosh | $ 50.00 | Paid |
13 | Shoba Jacob | $ 50.00 | Paid |
14 | James | $ 350.00 | Paid |
15 | Deepa Jacob | $ 100.00 | Paid |
16 | Biju | $ 350.00 | Paid |