This request is for 35-year-old Shyam from Alappuzha, Kerala, who’s diagnosed with a heart condition that needs immediate treatment. His heart valve needs to be replaced, which requires surgery. His family consists of his parents, wife and 2 children, and his brother’s family. His wife is a homemaker and he is the only breadwinner of the family. He worked as a billing staff in a private company. Due to the covid-19, he has no proper income. They have only 4 cents of land and a house.
Shyam is a patient of Amrita medical college, Cochin at this time. The surgery would cost around 3.5 lakhs. The family is facing severe financial constraints.
The Compassionate Hearts Network Team is looking for your prayers and support to fulfill this critical need. Every penny of your donation will go to support this cause.
FundRaising Honor Roll | |||
S.No. | Name | Donation Amount | Payment Status |
1 | Anonymous | $ 600 | Pledged |
2 | CHN Team | $ 100 | Paid |
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