
Nomination Form

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    Details of the need

    Approx Cost


    Donation Form

    Thank you for being a part
    Please send a check payable to
    "Compassionate Hearts Network Inc",
    PO Box 51, Woodville, MA-01784,
    Thank You

    Thank you for being a part

    Sponsor a patient who need Palliative Care (M7-2019)

    This project is to spread awareness and collect monthly expenses required to care for some terminally ill patients in and around central travancore area, Kerala, India. Majority of these patients are cancer victims at the last stage of their lives. There are also few bedridden patients who doesn’t have anyone to pay for care and support.

    Compassionate Hearts Network team is asking its supporters and sponsors to consider spending $15/month or $180/ year (or any amount you are willing to donate) which is the cost of medicines and minimum care that they need to sustain their lives. Would you be willing to sponsor one such patient for a year or at least for a month?.

    Palliative care is provided by specially trained team of doctors,nurses and other specialists who work together and spend their time visiting these patients.Our goal is to relieve suffering and provide the best possible quality of life for patients and their families. Every patient is visited at least once a month to ensure continuity of care and help to improve patients quality of life.

    Help the Helpless

    FundRaising Honor Roll
    S.No. Name Donation Amount Payment Status
    1 Jeji Mathew $ 180.00 Paid
    2 Jiji &Anita Varghese $ 100 Paid

    Latest Status Updates

    Funds Raised: $0 Released to Beneficiary:
    Project Status Summary:

    Project Start : 9/28/2019

    Sponsor: Dr. Mathews Thomas

    Status: CLOSED

    Fund Raising Goal: $

    Raised So Far: $0 (0%)


    Send a check payable to “Compassionate Hearts Network Inc” , PO Box 51, Woodville, MA-01784


    Donate Online :

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